Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs


Did anyone besides me get their days mixed up this July 4 weekend? Seemed like I was a day off one way or the other half the time. Most communities celebrated with activities including fireworks. Charleston had an all-day volleyball tournament then unbelievable fireworks after dark. There were hundreds on the Charleston Square. Thanks for our great country and let’s hope she stays strong.

From my ledger in 1986. (Scoutmaster Marion Miller carried some scouts to summer camp at Camp Dierks in Oklahoma and brought them in for an important Little League game. At the game he asked me, as assistant scoutmaster, to take his place and go stay with them the remaining few days. Our youngest, Greg, was one of the scouts.) Thursday, June 19, 1986. Last night I made all the boys write a post card to their folks then collected them for mailing. One of the boys has cried a lot and the old devil made me read his. “Mom, I miss you. I’ve cried a lot for you. I wish this week would go on by. I love you.”

Mushy and watery scrambled eggs with pancakes for breakfast. Wild hogs raided our camp while we were asleep. Tore open trash bags and turned over barrels. After supper we met at the waterfront for canoe relay races. Greg and his partner had trouble going up river against the current in a narrow swift spot but finally got through. After the contest the staff challenged the “old men” to a canoe race. A young scoutmaster from Broken Bow and I were partners on our part of the relay. The old men won with a time of four minutes and something. Greg said when we would stroke, the front end would come nearly out of the water. Marion came about 10:00 tonight while the boys were out snipe hunting. When they got back I told them the Shaggy Dog Story as promised.
Friday, June 20, 1986. Our showers don’t have warm water and that liquid ice was one of the highlights of the trip. It will wake you up. After a full day we attended the impressive and slightly scary Order of the Arrow Ceremony. No lights except torches. Scouts in a big circle. The older scouts dressed as Indians walk slowly around the circle, looking each boy in the eye. Every few minutes they scream real loud, grab a boy, and carry him off somewhere. He is given only a blanket and then carried to the woods with instructions to stay until morning when they return for him. Belonging to the Order of the Arrow group is an important achievement. None of our troop was selected this year so we headed home, arriving at Cooper at 1:00 A.M.

One night we had what is called “Campfire.” Each troop does some kind of skit. Between skits a boy walks across the stage with some kind of cute short activity. One time he walked by with a big package of toilet paper. About ten rolls. A scoutmaster hollered and asked where he was going. His answer, “To a crap game. I’m gonna wipe ‘em out.”

After the next skit here he came again, this time with a case of Dr. Peppers. The scout master hollered and asked where he was going this time. “I’m taking this case to court.” Next trip by he had a ladder and the case of Dr. Peppers. “I’m taking this case to a higher court.”

Saturday, June 21, 1986. First day of summer. Dean and I went to Red Branch at Kensing and walked out to the river to grabble. Checked hollow logs and caught three catfish up to twenty two pounds. Back to Dean’s and cleaned them. Called Jean to go with us to the next place. Don Watson also came and the four of us went to Bonner’s Point and grabbled an eleven pounder. Three of us swam/waded/ floated on down river to the Pete Woodard place while Don brought our pickup around. Caught two catfish then drove to Pop Lile Campground and got a four pounder at the place Bret and Rio grabbled their first fish. That’s three times we checked that log this year and got four fish total.

Wednesday, June 25, 1986. Went to L.D. Malone’s to collect for hauling three hundred bales of alfalfa. They were eating dinner and made me sit down with them. Salad, fried potatoes, chili, tomatoes, and onions. Paid me $120. On to Red Branch at Kensing. Walked out to the river and checked hollow logs. No luck. Most catfish have already laid their eggs and left the logs.
Friday, June 27, 1986. About twelve of our relatives carried campers and tents to Pat Mayse to camp. We carried our coon, Buster, who climbed a tree at the swimming area and went to sleep. When we got ready to go I had to climb up and get him. To be continued.

July 12, the planet Venus is our “morning star” with Mercury to the lower left. July 13-14 Mars passes near Spica and they are separated by a finger width at arm’s length.

A woman came home from shopping and found her house had been burglarized. She called the police and one soon arrived with a dog in the back seat. As the policeman was unloading the dog the woman stepped out on the porch and said, “Well I be durned. They sent a blind policeman.”

Polite ways to insult people continued from last week. He is a self-made mad and worships his creator. John Bright. I just learned of his illness. Let’s hope it is nothing trivial. Irvin S. Cobb. He loves Mother Nature in spite of what she did to him. Forrest Tucker. His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork. Mae West. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go. Oscar Wilde. I’ve had a wonderful evening. But this wasn’t it. Groucho Marx.

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Author: KSST Webmaster

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