Summer Reading Program Schedule

library1Summer Reading Program is off to a great start with a full calendar to keep away the boredom.

1. Make plans for summer reading program this year at the Sulphur Springs Public Library. It’s fun, there are prizes, and reading makes you better in school!

2. July dates are full of fun! Operation R.U.F.F. on July 3 at 6-7:30;

3. Storytime on July 8 at 10:30-11:30; Teddy Bear picnic – BRING YOUR TEDDY BEAR!!

4. Ringling Brothers Clowns on July 9 at 10-10:30;

5. Mother Goose makes an appearance Friday July 11 at 10-11;

6. Storytime on July 15 at 10:30-11:30; Weird science!

7. Operation R.U.F.F. on July 17 6-7:30;

8. Bret Roberts Magic show on July 18 at 10-11;

9. C.R.A.S.H.- Holy Smokes, it’s Batman Day! July 22 at 10:30-11:30 (dress up as a superhero!)

10. July 29 is the last day to turn in reading logs

11. Carnival July 31 at 6-8pm prizes given to all kids who kept a reading log! Top reader prizes

Sulphur Springs Public Library 903-885-4926,

Author: KSST Webmaster

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