Structural Engineer Hired

maxwellWednesday a structural engineer hired by the city of Sulphur Springs delivered reports to City Manager Marc Maxwell on 11 suspect walls that were inspected at request of the city. Maxwell said all eleven were deserving of suspicion to one degree or another. Maxwell said a couple of the most suspicious were the building at 222 Main and the building across the street. He did add four or five of the walls had very minor problems. Maxwell said he would be distributing the reports to property owners. He offered to make the structural engineer available to the owners on the city tab if they wanted some further investigation. Maxwell said the reports identified problems that need to be taken care of. He added it really was up to the building owners to correct the problems. Maxwell said it was expensive for the city to hire the structural engineer but he said it was worth every penny for public safety.

By Don Julian, KSST News and Sports Editor

Author: KSST Webmaster

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