Rabies in Hopkins County

After practicing veterinary medicine for more than forty years, Hopkins County vet J.D. Norris has finally seen his first case of rabies in a horse. The owner brought the horse in about three weeks ago thinking it had colic problems. Norris saw neurogical problems and knew it was worse than colic. He said after the horse became unmanageable the next day, it was sent home where it died. The state confirmed it had rabies. Norris said he’d find out if it came from a fox, skunk or bat. One of Norris’ employees, who handled the horse with a cut on her hand, underwent rabies shots. Norris said a $15 vaccination could have prevented the expensive problem. Several months ago Norris also reported rabies in a skunk that came onto his property in Hopkins County.

By Don Julian, KSST News and Sports Director


Author: KSST Webmaster

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