Luminant to Resume Mining



In early July, Luminant Power will be resuming surface coal mining in Hopkins County at Thermo to provide fuel for the Monticello Power Plant. The announcement was made by County Judge Robert Newsom after he and Precinct 3 County Commissioner Wade Bartley met with Luminant officials Ray Trejo and Troy Sellers. They call it reclamation mining. Commissioner Bartley said they would put the land back in better shape than it was before. Luminant plans to remove coal from approximately 400 acres. The operation will require the closing of a road that runs down to the coalmine. Judge Newsom said an alternate road would be built before the other road is closed. Sellers told Judge Newsom and Commissioner Bartley that the local coal operation had always been in compliance concerning regulations. The mining operation has been idle for several years.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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