Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Test Your Knowledge By Johanna Hicks

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension – Test Your Knowledge

            During the past two months, I have presented programs for civic groups pertaining to Hopkins County Extension and what we have to offer.  Although our volunteers and 4-H leaders are familiar with the variety of programs, workshops, program series, and events we offer, many people are simply unaware of who we are and what we do.  So, before you read any further, take a look at the quiz below and see how much you know!

1)     What do the 4-H’s in 4-H represent?

  1. Head, Heart, Hands, Health
  2. Hearth, Home, Hands, Health
  3. Hay, Horse, Heifer, Hog

2)     What are the four areas under the umbrella of Extension?

  1. Water Conservation, Economic Development, Forage/crops, Nutrition
  2. Environmental Conservation, Livestock, Health education, 4-H
  3. Family & Community Health, Ag/Natural Resources, 4-H & Youth, Community Development

3)     What is the 4-H project with the most enrollment in Hopkins County?

  1. Dairy, with beef in close second
  2. Horticulture, with shooting sports in close second
  3. Foods & Nutrition, with robotics/ STEM in close second

4)     What is the most popular 4-H Livestock project?

  1. Swine
  2. Beef
  3. Dairy

5)     What is the land grand university for the Extension Service in Texas?

  1. Texas A&M University – College Station
  2. Texas Tech University
  3. University of Texas – Austin

6)     What is a Master Volunteer?

  1. A volunteer who has a college degree and uses the knowledge in volunteer work
  2. A volunteer who has gone above & beyond what is asked of them
  3. A volunteer who has completed required training and agrees to serve the community in his/her area of expertise

7)     What are two Master Volunteer programs in Hopkins County?

  1. Master Gardeners and Master Wellness Volunteers
  2. Beef Masters and Toast Masters

8)     What is the official name of the Extension service in Texas?

  1. Texas Cooperative Extension Service
  2. Texas AgriLife Extension Service
  3. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

9)     Where is the Hopkins County Extension Office located?

  1. In the courthouse annex
  2. On Hinnant Street
  3. On Houston Street

10)  What is the official age of 4-H members?

  1. Grades 1 thru 5
  2. Grades 3 thru 12
  3. Grades 6 thru 12

Let’s see how you did!

1)     The answer is A – I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service, and my Health to better living for my club, my community, my county, and my world.

2)     The answer is C – Hopkins County has two Extension agents (Family & Community Health, and Ag/Natural Resources).  We share the 4-H program, and participate in many boards for community events.

3)     The answer is B – the dairy and foods & nutrition projects come in at number 3 and 4, with STEM, photography, clothing & textiles and other livestock projects following closely

4)     The answer is C (dairy)

5)     The answer is A – we are supported with funding, research, and specialists through Texas A&M University and our agents are considered to be faculty because the county is our classroom.

6)     The answer is C – we have two Master Volunteers programs in Hopkins that provide training and volunteer opportunities

7)     The answer is A – I work with Master Wellness Volunteers, and Mario Villarino works with Master Gardeners

8)     The answer is C – every county in Texas has access to a County Extension Office  through Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service

9)     The answer is C – we are located next door to the Southwest Dairy Museum

10)  The answer is B – official 4-H’ers are in grades 3 thru 12, but we also accept Clover Kids (ages 5-7)


The Spring Break Sewing Workshop is full, so if you signed up, please be sure to show up!  The dates are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 12-14, starting at 9:00 a.m.  Please bring good sewing scissors, pins (preferably with ball heads), and tape measure.  Eight sewing machines are available to use, and fabrics and instructions for several make-and-take projects will be provided at no extra charge.  Bring a sack lunch – drinks provided.

We are now taking reservations for the Do Well, Be Well with Diabetes series, scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays, April 9, 12, 16, 19, and 23.  Two times are being offered to fit participants’ schedules – 1:30, repeated at 6:00 p.m. – so pick the time that works best for you!  The cost is $25, payable at the first session, which covers materials, refreshments, and door prizes.  Please call 903-885-3443 to sign up – provide name, address, and phone number.

Closing Thought

Your smile is your logo, your personality is your business card, how you leave others feeling after an experience with you becomes your trademark – McKinney Tourism Department

Johanna Hicks
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Family & Consumer Sciences
1200-B W. Houston
P.O.Box 518
Sulphur springs, TX 75483
903-885-3443 – phone
903-439-4909 – Fax
[email protected]

Author: Savannah Everett

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