Oscar Aguilar Signs Up In Effort to Retain Seat on Sulphur Springs City Council
Oscar Aguilar January 22, 2024 – Oscar Aguilar, current Place 3 Councilman, on the Sulphur Springs City Council has filed his paperwork to hopefully retain his seat on the council in the upcoming May election. Oscar Aguilar has been on the Council since 2006. He ran for and drew no opponents in 2020 for Place 3 on the council. Three seats on the Sulphur Springs City Council, Places 1, 2 and 3 will be on the ballot in the May 4,...
Hospital District Board Members Take Oath, Elect Officers
New EMS Station, District HQ On Track For October Completion Hopkins County Hospital District Board of Directors newly reelected members took the oath of office and elected officers from among the board. The board also received an update that the new EMS station and district headquarters is currently on track for an October completion, considered HCHD employee insurance carrier and received a brief update on hospital operations from...
Four Local May 7 Elections Expected To Be Canceled
Filing For Candidacy In Cumby City Council Election Ongoing Four local May 7 elections are expected to be canceled. Filing for candidacy in the Cumby City County Election is ongoing through March 7, 2022. Hospital District Board HCHD Hopkins County Hospital District is expected to cancel the scheduled May 7, 2022, election for two seats on the HCHD Board of Directors, as the election drew no challengers. The seats by default will go...
2 Days Left To File Candidacy For Municipal, School and Hospital District May 7 Elections
So Far No Candidates Are Challenged In May 7 Sulphur Springs and Yantis ISD Board, Sulphur Springs City Council Elections With only 2 days left to file, and so far only as many candidates are reported to have filed so far as places on May 7, 2022 Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees, Yantis ISD Board of Trustees, Sulphur Springs City Council and Hopkins County Hospital District Board of Directors Elections. The filing deadline is the...
Candidate Filing Continues Through Feb. 18 In Municipal, School Elections
Candidates have 7 1/2 days left to file for places on May 7 municipal and school election ballots. As of Tuesday afternoon, neither the Sulphur Springs and Yantis ISD School Board Elections nor the Sulphur Springs City Council Elections candidates had drawn challengers. Candidate filing continues through Feb. 18, 2022. SSISD logo Sulphur Springs ISD All three incumbents — Craig Roberts, Leesa Toliver, John Prickette — filed candidate...
Harrison Files Candidacy For Place 4 On May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election Ballot
Tommy Wayne Harrison filed an application Tuesday morning, Feb. 8, 2022 for a place on the May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Harrison, a retired resident, is seeking election Place 4 on the Sulphur Springs City Council. Tommy Harrison, Place 4 Candidate, Sulphur Springs City Council So far, Harrison is only the second person who has filed candidacy for the May 7 Election for Places 4 and 5 on the city Council....
City Applying For 2 Grants Which Would Provide 18 New Portable Radios For SSPD Patrol Officers
Contractor Selected for Phase I of College Street rebuilding & Sidewalk Project, Reinvestment Zone For Designated For D6, Industrial Drive Property Rezoned Sulphur Springs City Council worked through the regular meeting agenda – which included application for two grants for portable radios, selecting a contractor for Phase I of College Street rebuilding and sidewalk project, and approval of a reinvestment zone and zoning request...
2 Zoning Requests, 2 Grant Applications, Tax Abatement Policy On Feb. 2 City Council Agenda
Two zoning requests, two grant applications, designation of election judges and early voting dates for the May 2022 city council election, review of the tax abatement policy, seven 380 agreements and bids for materials and contracts for the first phase of the College Street road rebuilding and sidewalk projects are all on Tuesday night’s regular Sulphur Springs City Council agenda. Sulphur Springs Municipal Building The City...
Spraggins Seeking Reelection To Place 5 On City Council
Thursday afternoon, incumbent Gary Spraggins filed an application for a place on the May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council Election ballot. Spraggins, a salesman, is seeking reelection to Place 5. Gary Spraggins He won the Nov. 3, 2020 election, receiving 71.24 percent of the votes for the Place 5 seat for one year, and then in 2021 was elected to the final year of the unexpired term for Place 5. Candidate filing for Places 4 and Place...
Candidate Filing Now Open For May 7 Sulphur Springs City Council, Sulphur Springs ISD & Yantis ISD School Board Elections
All 3 Incumbents Seeking Reelection To Sulphur Springs ISD Board Of Trustees Candidate filing for the May 7 school and municipal elections opened Wednesday morning and will continue during business hours through Feb. 18, 2022. Sulphur Springs ISD School Board All three incumbents — Craig Roberts, Leesa Toliver, John Prickette — filed candidate applications first thing Wednesday morning seeking reelection to their three...