Final Plat Of Dority Addition Is Being Recommended To Sulphur Springs City Council
The final plat request from Kenneth Dority for Dority Addition is being recommended to Sulphur Springs City Council for approval at the next regular council meeting. The plat would allow 10.84 acres at the corner of Fisher and Spence Street to be divided into 35 lots on which a residential duplex type property would be located. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended the request at a meeting conducted last week via Zoom...
Sulphur Springs City Council Approves Requests for 5 Building Projects That Will Provide 80 New Housing Units
Sulphur Springs City Council on Jan. 5 approved requests involving five building projects that, upon construction, will provide about 80 new housing units in Sulphur Springs. 380 Agreements The council first granted two 380 agreements, to SM Family Holdings LLC and one 380 agreement to Adrian Lopez. After constructing a single family home on property already within the city limits in identified areas (infill housing development). the...
Sulphur Springs City Council To Consider Requests For Infill Housing Program, Final Plat For Duplex Complex At Jan. 5 Meeting
The Jan. 5 Sulphur Springs City Council agenda contains five action items pertaining to potential housing construction projects. If all five are approved the city could see as many as 81 new housing units constructed in the near future. Three people have requested 380 agreements for infill housing incentives to construct single family dwellings within the next 3 years on identified lots within the city. In August 2020, City Council...
City Council Approved Reinvestment Zone, 380 Agreement For D6, Inc.
Sulphur Springs City Council tackled numerous items during the November meeting, including a reinvestment zone and economic development agreement for D6, Inc., close out the CARES Act Small Business Assistance Program and purchase of a track loader. The agenda also included five ordinances dealing with rezoning and establishment of reinvestment zones. Sulphur Springs Municipal building Reinvestment Zone, EDC Agreement The City Council...
Reinvestment Zone, 2 Rezoning Items Receive Council Approval
Two rezoning items and a reinvestment zone and tax incentive agreement for a new business were among the items receiving approval from Sulphur Springs City Council, during the regular council meeting conducted Oct. 6 on Zoom and streamed to Youtube for public viewing. My Perfect Pet Tax Incentives The City Council was asked by the Economic Development Corporation to consider designating Lot 6 at Pioneer Business park as an industrial...