VFDs In Hopkins County Benefit From Community Fundraiser, CARES Act
Thursday was a big day for the volunteer fire departments in Hopkins County. All VFDs in Hopkins County benefitted from a community fundraiser and CARES Act funding. Jason Tully started a program to help raise funds for the county’s 11 VFDs who are even lower on funding than usual since many weren’t able to hold their usual fundraisers this year. Tully encouraged the community to make donations either at his insurance business...
New, Refurbished Gear & Equipment Available To Volunteer Fire Departments
Hopkins County reimburses the volunteer fire departments for their vehicle insurance and fuel costs, provides workers comp if a member is injured on a call and provides them with monthly stipends. The VFDs are dependent on community donations to pay for upkeep, maintenance, protective gear and equipment, and operations. Precinct 3 Commissioner Wade Bartley pointed out that the county’s 11 volunteer fire departments haven’t had the...