SSISD Trustees Approve 2020-21 General Fund, Debt, Food Service Budgets
Sulphur Springs Independent School District Board of Trustees approved balanced SSISD 2020-21 general fund, debt and food service budgets during the regular board meeting held earlier this week. The tax rate will be presented for board approval during a special called board meeting and public hearing later this month. General Fund The 2019-20 and 2020-21 budgets are very similar. However, SSISD anticipates receiving $1.2 million less...
HCUW Recognizes Lead Donors To 2020-21 Campaign At Kickoff Lunch
Hopkins County United Way recognized lead donors to the 2020-21 campaign at a kickoff lunch, hosted at Sulphur Springs Country Club, in their honor. HCUW Board President Mike Horne welcomed those attending the luncheon and offered a prayer for the meal partaken. The United Way Board of Directors was acknowledged. Lead donors to the 2020-21 campaign included Flowserve, Sulphur Springs ISD, GSC Enterprises, City National Bank, CHRISTUS...
Sulphur Springs ISD 2021 Tax Rate, 2021-2022 Budget Set
The Sulphur Springs ISD 2021 tax rate and fiscal year 2021-2022 budget were set by school trustees during a special noon board meeting Friday, Aug. 27, 2021. The school board also amended the FY 2020-21 budget during the session. FY 2020-2021 Budget Amendments Fiscal year 2020-2021 will end on Aug. 31, 2021. SSISD Business Manger Sherry McGraw asked the trustees to approve amendments to the general fund, food service and debt service...
Sulphur Springs ISD Trustees To Hold Budget Workshop, Receive ESSER Updates, Discuss UIL For Home School Students
Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees are scheduled to hold a budget workshop, receive ESSER updates, discuss offering UIL for home schooled students in Sulphur Springs. Sulphur Springs ISD Board Trustees Leesa Toliver and Robbin Vaughn, Superintendent Michael Lamb, Board President Robert Cody, Secretary Jason Dietze, and Vice President Craig Roberts before their June 15, 2021, meeting Budget, ESSER funding The trustees budget...
SSISD Trustees To Hold 2 Executive Sessions During June Meeting
The date isn’t the only thing different about this month’s regular meeting of Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees; in addition to the usual reports and action items, the agenda calls for 2 executive sessions, one at the beginning and one at the end of the 6 p.m. school board meeting. SSISD logo While school board meetings are typically held the second Monday of each month at 6 p.m. This month, trustees met first on...
SSISD Trustees Approve 2020 Tax Rate, 9 Personnel Changes, Budget Amendments
Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees during a special called noon meeting Friday, Aug. 28, approved budget amendments, 9 personnel changes, the SSISD 2020 tax rate and the Virtual Academy plan. SSISD 2020 Tax Rate SSISD Tax Assessor Collector Sandra Gibby recommended a SSISD 2020 tax rate of $1.251380 per $100 cash valuation of property within SSISD, with $0.9409 of that rate going toward the local maintenance fund for daily...
SSISD Trustees Approve Technology Purchase Agreement
Sulphur Springs ISD trustees, during a called emergency meeting conducted via Zoom Tuesday, Aug. 4, approved an agreement with Region 04 Education Service Center for technology purchases. Essentially, the inter-local acquisition agreement makes SSISD eligible to apply for SSISD 600 new iPads for SSISD fourth and fifth graders but only pay about half the cost. A goal of the district is to have enough devices to provide all students...
Administrators Outline The 2 Back To School Learning Options For SSISD Students In 2020-21 School Year
Parents Need To Complete Online Registration Soon, Will Be Asked To Select Full Time On-Campus Or Virtual Academy Schooling One of the big questions for educators and families has been what to expect for the 2020-2021 school year, which is still scheduled to begin on Aug. 18 for Sulphur Springs Independent School District students, with staff returning for professional development days on Aug. 6. SSISD Director of Curriculum Lisa...
Tax Rate Process, Federal Funding Discussed At June 22 SSISD Board Of Trustees Meeting
School finance is complicated on a good day. Add in changes in legislation, “golden pennies” and a pandemic and the budget process becomes even challenging. That’s exactly what school officials are up against this year. A school financial advisor and assistant superintendent discussed with Sulphur Springs ISD Board of Trustees the complexities of shaping the tax rate this year as federal funding available to help...
Sulphur Springs City Council Sept. 1 Meeting Agenda Includes Hearings For Tax Rate, Zoning Ordinances
The Sulphur Springs City Council Sept. 1 meeting agenda includes public hearings regarding the proposed tax rate, two zoning ordinances and a budget amendment ordinance. The agenda also includes numerous other items, including consideration of a contract for construction of the Grays Building, an emergency services mutual aide agreement between the cities of Sulphur Springs and Commerce, Sulphur Springs-Hopkins County Economic...