Feed the Birds, Count the Birds and Help the Birds

December 26, 2023 – Bird feeding enthusiasts can up their game and help birds world wide by uploading data on what they see at their feeders.

FeederWatch, powered by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in New York, hopes that bird feeders and watchers will join their initiative and upload data on what they see. You can help too. Sign up, download the app, and watch the birds.

True there is a little more to it, like identification, rules on what animals to report etc. All those details are available before you join.

There is a fee to join, and that fee helps keep the project going and provides materials to help birders identify and care for wild birds year round. What could be a better gift for someone who loves feeding the birds?

Data collected from members provides vital info on populations and migrations. A season-end report will be available to all members.

Even if you don’t join, their website is full of information and is worth a visit.

Author: KSST Webmaster

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