Murphy, Raymond, 59 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on 4-4-2023 for Criminal Trespass.
Truett, Michael, 31 years of age, of Winnsboro, was arrested on 4-4-2023 on Wood County Warrants for Theft of Property, Issuance of a Bad Check x 4, Expired DL, Stop, Stand, or Park Traveled outside of Business of Residence District.
Charlton, Karen, 56 years of age, of Mineola, was arrested on 4-7-2023 for Driving While License Invalid with previous convictions.
Calls for Service:
The Winnsboro Police Department responded to a total of 98 calls for service during this reporting period.
The Winnsboro Police Department issued 19 citations and 33warnings during this reporting period.