Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Help Feed Pollinators: Get A Free Earth Day Lunch

April 3, 2023 – Join the CraversTX Community Garden, on 420 W Park Street in Sulphur Springs to celebrate Earth Day 2023. They will be planting a new Pollinator Garden! This is their fourth year to partner of Join them Earth Day morning, April 22nd, at 10AM.

pollinator garden is a type of garden designed with the intent of growing specific nectar and pollen-producing plants, in a way that attracts pollinating insects known as pollinators. Pollinators aid in the production of one out of every three bites of food consumed by humans, and pollinator gardens are a way to offer support for these species. In order for a garden to be considered a pollinator garden, it should provide various nectar producing flowers, shelter or shelter-providing plants for pollinators, and avoid the use of pesticides. Wikipedia

GraversTX Community Garden during a SSISD Wildcat Jazz Band Concert in 2023.

Free lunch and all the plants will be provided. For more information visit

Author: KSST Webmaster

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