Hopkins County United Way had reached nearly 93 percent of the $150,000 campaign goal for 2020-21 as of Wednesday morning, Nov. 4, with nearly 60 percent of that coming in over the last week.
When HCUW Campaign Chair Mike Horne opened the meeting, he noted that as of the Oct. 30 meeting, campaign workers had collected $50,012.92 or about one-third of the overall goal.
Campaign workers turned in donations and pledges from businesses, individuals, organizations such as the Lions Club, restaurants, healthcare professionals, financial institutions, attorneys, salons and others. A few donation packets included not only contributions from employees but also corporate matches or contributions as well.
United Way campaign officials and workers reported an outstanding contribution from a family charitable trust and another outstanding contribution from a family grant fund.

Packets were collected from all county school districts. All campuses in Sulphur Springs ISD were also recognized for their contributions to HCUW. Water Oak Elementary and Preschool also contributed.
The local Bankers Clearinghouse each year hosts a drawing for cash to encourage employees of Alliance Bank, City National Bank and Guaranty Bank to contribute to HCUW. The names of employees who pledge or donate $60 or more to the annual HCUW have their names entered into the drawing for prizes of $100, $50 and $20 each. The names are drawn at random by HCUW campaign workers at one of the later meetings. The drawing this year was held Wednesday.
Other businesses hold special events, with a percent of purchase going toward United Way. Panda Express held one recently, donating a percent of food sales from customers who showed a flyer or used a code to order to HCUW.
Jay Hodge Chevrolet also donated a certain dollar amount for each car sold during October at the dealership. Bill Owens reported sales started at a good pace, dropped off a bit, but picked up some at the end of the month, with 30 cars sold in 5 days.

Soulman’s Bar-B-Que also plans to host a benefit Nov. 10 from 5 to 9 p.m. Customers can tell the cashier at checkout during that time to have a percent of the sale donated to HCUW.
Horne noted another video featuring one of the agencies allocated funds from this year’s campaign drive, The Dinner Bell, has been posted on the Hopkins County United Way Facebook page. The past few weeks Hopkins County Christian Alliance and Bright Star Baseball were featured. There’s also a “Shop Now” button on that page that allows those who choose to make donations online.
Campaign officials made the decision this year not to announce amounts of donations and whether each met the requested goal.
“We are thankful for every donation. Every one is important and very much appreciated,” Horne noted.
When HCUW Executive Secretary Susan Berning finished adding the week’s contributions, Horne announced $89,216 had been turned in this week. That’s nearly 60 percent of the overall goal). That increased the overall total in pledges and donates collected through the weekly workers report meeting to $139,229.96. That leaves just under $11,000 to go to meet the $150,000 goal.
“This was a record day here. Thank you to everyone who has donated,” Horne said. “We have one meeting left. I am confident we are going to blow this out of the water.”