Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

SSISD Extends Pick Up Time For Free Meals For Children By An Additional Hour

SSISD reports the pick up window for the free meals for any community child age 1-18 has been extended an additional hour. The pickup time is now 7:30- 11 am at the same pick up sites.

SSISD Food Services will be providing free meals for all SSISD students and any community children who are between the ages of 1-18. Meals will be available for pick-up each Monday – Friday from 7:30 -11 a.m. until further notice.

Students will be able to pick up one breakfast and one lunch meal at this time. Students do not have to attend any one of these campuses to participate. Pick-up areas will be curbside grab-and-go and will be held at the following locations across Sulphur Springs:

*SSES (Lee Street bus lane)

*Bowie (Mockingbird Lane student drop off/pick up lane)

*Bush (South bus lane circle to awning), and

*Douglass (Calvert Street awning).


Author: KSST Contributor

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