Hopkins County Extension agents Mario Villarino and Johanna Hicks were guests on the KSST Good Morning Show with Enola Gay, and extended an invitation for the community regarding important local topics.
In the first of two sessions, the public is invited to listen and take part in a discussion by a local animal health professional concerning rabies and other diseases affecting animals and humans at a free round-table session at the Hopkins County Extension office on Friday July 6, 2018 at 6:30 pm. Dr. Leah Larson, who is a local Veterinarian with a practice at 744 Gilmer Street in Sulphur Springs, will share her knowledge about diseases that may affect animals and humans, how these can be transmitted and dangers to watch out for. Those who attend are encouraged to ask questions and join in the discussion. Additionally, the subject of Texas Cottage Food Laws will be discussed, as many people like to grow and sell garden produce and home-prepared foods like jellies and canned foods. Extension Agent Johanna Hicks will also offer education about the Texas Food Handlers Certification, available to persons who wish to sell home grown goods at Farmers Markets and roadside stands.
The second of the series will be held on Friday July 13 at 6:30 pm on the subjects of Food and Food Safety. Brad Fain, local representative for Zoetis Animal Health will speak on food security, amd the safety of foods that we purchase for consumption. Also, Danielle Altenbaumer with the Dept. of State Health Services will offer helpful information on immunizations, when we need them and the benefits of childhood immunizations as well as newer ones that have been developed in recent years for adults like Shingles and Pneumonia vaccines.
Refreshments will be served. The round-table sessions are free, sponsored by the Hopkins County Leadership Advisory Board. The Extension office is located at 1200 B Houston Street in Sulphur Springs.