You’ve Been Whipped By Johanna Hicks

You’ve Been Whipped!

               Many of you have already gotten wind of a new event being held during the 2018 Hopkins County Dairy Festival.  Excitement is building, and plans are in full swing as we prepare for the “Whipped” Challenge.  Businesses, civic clubs, and organizations are encouraged to enter a team.  Here’s how it works:

1)      The contest will take place on the front grounds of the Hopkins County Civic Center, 1200 W. Houston, Sulphur Springs, TX on Saturday, June 16, 2018.  Check-in begins at the gazebo at 9:30 a.m.  Orientation begins at 10:00 a.m., and the contest starts at 10:15 a.m.

2)      Participation will be limited to the first eight teams (4 members per team).  Teams are requested to bring their own knives for chopping and slicing ingredients.  After registering, teams will be directed to a food preparation station.  There will be a set of ingredients at each station, but no recipe. The ingredients will represent a dish from one of the following: nutritious snack, main dish, dessert.

3)      Preparation: each team will be provided with a set of ingredients reflective of the assigned category, and will create a single dish (not a full meal) using the ingredients.

  1. Teams are challenged to be creative by developing their own recipe with provided ingredients.
  2. Team must incorporate each ingredient into the dish. However, teams may determine the exact amount of each ingredient to use.
  3. Teams will have access to an equipment table and “pantry” of additional ingredients that may be used to compliment or garnish the dish.
  4. Each dish must contain at least 2 dairy products, provided in the pantry.
  5. Round 1: Eight teams will prepare a nutritious snack/appetizer (20 minutes), after which two teams will be “whipped.”  Round 2: Six teams will prepare a main dish (40 minutes).  Three teams will be eliminated.  Round 3: The three remaining teams will prepare a dessert (20 minutes).  One team will be named “Whipped” champion.  Prizes will be awarded.Note: times include planning, preparation, and plating.

4)      Presentation: When time is called, each team will step away from their preparation station and take the completed dish to the judges’ area. The following pertains to team presentations:

  1. All team members will participate in the presentation.
  2. A maximum of 3 minutes will be allowed for each team’s presentation, which may include questions from judges. Note:teams should follow food safety practices since judges will taste dishes.

5)   Cost to enter is $40 per team.  Team applications are due by May 31 and may be returned to the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 1200 W. Houston, Sulphur Springs.  Checks should be made out to

       Hopkins County Dairy Festival.  Applications are available at the Extension Office at, (click on publications) and will soon be posted on the Dairy Festival website.

               So, gather your co-workers, fellow civic club members, and friends, and join the fun!   If you have questions, please call my office at 903-885-3443, and I’ll be glad to help you.

What’s Missing in Your Pantry?

               I’ve received several comments about this program, targeted toward the 55+ crowd.  Join us for this informative, fun, and interactive event.  Two days have been scheduled, with each day covering a different topic, so choose one or both!  There is no charge to attend and participants will receive great information and even get to sample some delicious dishes!  Both sessions will take place at First United Methodist Church (enter through the Family Life Center to the Crusader’s classroom), starting around 9:30 a.m.  Learn how to add more fruits and vegetables to classic favorites.  Below are the topics and dates:

  • Wednesday, April 25:  What’s Missing in Your Pantry?  In this session, we’ll cover several nutrients which are often not consumed in adequate amounts by adults over the age of 50 years.  Can you DETERMINE the warning signs of poor nutrition?  The acronym outlines nine warning signs for nutritional risk.  A nutritional risk self-assessment can help you determine changes are needed.
  • Thursday, April 26:  Eat Smart, Live Strong – Colorful and Classic Favorites  You may never have thought of adding a fruit or a vegetable to a classic dish.  This session may inspire you to try it!  Hear and experience how easy it is to add fruits and vegetables without giving up your favorite foods.

In order to make adequate preparations, please contact the Extension Office at 903-885-3443 to sign up.  Invite a friend, too!

4-H Members Participate in District Contests

               District 4-H Contests will take place on Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28.  Hopkins County will be well represented!  The following 4-H members will compete:

  • Friday, April 27:

–        4-H Food Show:  Kiley Vaughan, Junior, Protein Dish; Ethan George, Intermediate, Fruit & Vegetable Dish

–        Educational Presentations: Ethan George, Intermediate, Beef; Braden Lennon, Intermediate, Open Ag/Natural Resources; Honesty Bridges, Intermediate, Open category; Zia Miller, Intermediate, Open Ag/Natural Resources; Christian Ebel, Junior, Open Ag/Natural Resources; Savannah Allen, Senior, Beef; Elida Miller, senior, Open Ag/Natural Resources.

–        Public Speaking: Eric Bridges, intermediate

  • Saturday, April 28:

–        Share-the-Fun: Diego Childs, Poetry/Prose; Nathan Bilyeu, Vocal

Congratulations to each of these fine 4-H members.  We wish you the very best!

Closing Thought

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him – David Brinkley

Johanna Hicks
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Family & Consumer Sciences
1200-B W. Houston
P.O.Box 518
Sulphur springs, TX 75483
903-885-3443 – phone
903-439-4909 – Fax
[email protected]

Author: Savannah Everett

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