For youngsters with an interest in flying, parents can help them take advantage of a free world-wide program coming to Sulphur Springs called the Young Eagles Flight Rally. It is organized through the Experimental Aircraft Association and sanctioned by the Civil Air Patrol. Local EAA chapter #1094 is also called the Sulphur Springs Sport Aviation Organization, and is part of the global membership.
According to local program coordinator Ben Scarborough, on Saturday April 14, 2018, youngsters age 9-17 will be invited to take a free flight with a local certified pilot, as well as attend a “ground school” safety briefing prior to the flight. After your child’s flight lands, he or she will have a photo made with the pilot and aircraft and also receive a Flight Logbook with an entry for that day’s flight, signed by the pilot. This logbook can be used for future Young Eagles Rally flights that your child makes until he or she ages out of the program. Cities with airports all over Texas sponsor this project, so there are numerous opportunities for your child to learn more about flying. 2018 marks the twentieth year that Sulphur Springs, Texas has sponsored the Young Eagles rally.
First of all, participants must have a parent or guardian with them, who will remain in the terminal while the child takes the flight. Participants should arrive between 9am and 11am to register and attend a brief ground school training. There will be around 50 volunteers helping with Saturday’s event and about 15 pilots and planes. The program is absolutely free. With questions, contact co-ordinator Ben Scarborough at 903-850-8113. You can find out more by visiting the websites or