Phase One of The Edge Ends; Resumes in Two Weeks

Thursday morning at The Edge conditioning program marked the end of phase one for high school athletes and the completion of The Edge for middle school athletes. After a two-week hiatus, The Edge for high school athletes only will resume on Monday, July 24.

At the end of The Edge for high school athletes Thursday morning, Wildcats Football Coach and Athletic Director Greg Owens told them they had a good first four weeks. He encouraged them to continue to work on their fitness during the break. Coach Owens said the weight room would be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. until noon for the next two weeks. He said the indoor facility should only be used for conditioning work instead of a punt, pass and kick playtime. It made it clear the facility should not be considered a kid sitting service for parents. Coach Owens said what an athlete put into the first four weeks of The Edge is what they got out of it. He noted participants are gaining confidence in themselves. Coach Owens said he was pleased by attendance during the week of the fourth of July holiday.

Around the fourth, about 75 athletes were present with about 50 high school athletes and around 25 from middle school.

Author: Staff Reporter

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