AUSTIN- The Texas House of Representatives passed an amendment to Senate Bill 2078 Sunday evening that will require all public and charter schools to accommodate the rights of each student to access restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities with privacy and safety by providing single-occupancy facilities for students who do not wish to use the facilities designated for them based on their biological sex. The amendment passed with a vote of 91-50 in its second reading, and will be voted on in its third reading Monday afternoon. Representative Dan Flynn (R-Van) proudly supported the amendment in the name of his constituents and desire for better privacy and safety for the young people in Texas.
“It is my firm commitment to be sure our young people as well as all citizens are protected by law from anyone trying to take advantage of the political correctness nonsense that is increasingly pushed upon the majority of Texans who share traditional values. I will continuously support legislation such as this that protects the safety and security of women and children,” said Representative Flynn.