This Memorial Day, Don’t Become a Memory!
As my husband and I watch the evening news each night, we are troubled by the number of auto and/or truck accidents that are caused by intoxication. With Memorial Day rapidly approaching, people will be on the move on our highways, and the risk is heightened. Memorial Day weekend, 2015, saw 17 Texas motorists lose their lives on our roadways due to alcohol and/or drug impairment. All of these were 100 percent preventable crashes.
As people head to the lake, beach, or host a BBQ, they may choose to drink alcohol or use impairing drugs. Texas law enforcement officers will be out in force looking for impaired drivers. If you do not drive sober, your chance for being arrested for a DWI will increase. We want all the citizens of Hopkins County to make it home safely from Mothers’ Day and Memorial Day celebrations. No one wins when you drink or use impairing drugs and drive.
Not only could you become a memory in someone’s life, you could also cost someone their life or cause serious, lifelong injuries. The financial burden of getting a DWI can run as high as $17,000 — not to mention the emotional costs associated with DWI.
Https:// gives an excellent formula for recognizing severe alcohol impairment: M.U.S.T. H.E.L.P.
- Mental confusion
- Unresponsive
- Seizures /Stupor
- Throwing up
- Hypothermia – low body temp, cold /clammy skin
- Erratic or slow breathing
- Loss of consciousness
- Pale or bluish skin color
When it gets to this point, call 9-1-1. A tragic news story recently highlighted some young men who ignored the signs in their friend, and he died under their watch. Again, this is 100% preventable.
Of course the very best choice is to not consume alcohol at all. You can enjoy the festivities even more, while remaining sober and enjoying other beverages. If you choose to drink alcohol, plan ahead by using a non-drinking driver or a taxi/rideshare service to get you home. If that is not an option, sleep at your friend’s house. Planning ahead can make this a memorable weekend … not planning ahead might turn it into a nightmare.
Cooking with Chef Cruz – Hidden Lakes Hunting Lodge
If you have been contemplating attending this event, don’t delay much longer. Response has been very good and seating is limited. But in case you missed what the buzz is all about, I’ll start from the beginning.
A team of Family & Consumer Sciences agents from Hopkins (yours truly), Hunt, Rains, and Wood Counties have partnered with Hidden Lakes Hunting Lodge in Yantis to bring this exciting cooking event to East Texas. Chef Cruz Minjarez, Executive Chef for the Lodge, will demonstrate cooking techniques using Red Stag, Buffalo, Duck, and Quail. He is also an expert on other wildlife and fish, including salmon. Here are the details:
When: Tuesday, June 6
Where: Hidden Lakes Hunting Lodge, Yantis
Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Cost: $25
What you’ll receive: goody bag stuffed with recipes, seasoning mix, information on storing wild game, and other goodies. You’ll leave with ideas on how to prepare various wild game. Door prizes will also be given.
Call 903-885-3443 or any of the Extension offices listed above to receive a registration form, or go to:
and click on “events”. Scroll down to ‘Dinner Tonight – Cooking with Chef Cruz’, and you’ll see a link for the registration form.
We are excited to bring this event to you and welcome anyone who wishes to attend!
Twogether in Texas Marriage Education workshop reminder
This workshop will take place in just a few short days, and I want to encourage interested couples to participate! The free workshop will take place on Saturday, May 20, at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office from 8:30 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. Topics include marriage expectations, communication, conflict resolution, money management, and goals & dreams. Please contact the Extension Office at 903-885-3443 to sign up so adequate lunch and material preparations can be made.
Closing Thought
Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, buy yourself some flowers. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special! – from “Growing Older – 50 Lessons Life has Taught Me”