Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

State Rep. Flynn Committed to Replacing A-F Grading System

Dan Flynn

Dan Flynn

State Representative District 2 Dan Flynn is concerned as the rating for performance of Texas schools is changed. Flynn said the A-F grading system is based on student achievement and progress, closing performance gaps between high income and low income students, college readiness and student’s community engagement. Several good schools in his district will receive multiple D-F letter grades which he sees as inaccurate.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said “Love or hate them, new A-F letter grades for Texas schools are here to stay.” Flynn said he is committed to replacing the scoring system with a system that more accurately represents the state of Texas schools and school districts, while still holding them accountable for performance. He believes parents, administrators, teacher and all others affected and opposed to the system should reach out to their elected officials and let their views be known.

Sulphur Springs ISD will conduct a public hearing Monday, February 13 at 6 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the Annual Report of Educational Performance and the Texas Academic Performance Report for the 2015-2016 school year. The hearing will be in conjunction with the regularly scheduled meeting of the board.

Author: Staff Reporter

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