By Jan Vaughn
Don’t forget to stop by the Tira Community Center on Tuesday evening (September 6th) for a reception honoring Floyd Payton, former Mayor of Tira. A brief council meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m., followed by the reception.
Brenda Allen and Yvonne Weir have been traveling. They went to Glacier National Park in Montana, by way of Colorado. Yvonne reports, “Montana’s mountains and lakes were beautiful.” They traveled to the scenic area of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and then headed for South Dakota. They arrived at the Hall ranch (Yvonne’s home place) on Tuesday evening, August 23rd, and are enjoying cool weather for a few days before returning to Texas.
Doug and Gae Lou (Chapman) Haley, of Crowley, and Jerry and June (Chapman) Vessel, of Campbell, helped Dorreice (Horn) Shuptrine, of Plano, celebrate her birthday. They ordered in pizza and Gae made a “big coconut cake.” Dorreice comments, “Double cousins always have a lot of fun!”
Lawanda Faulks and Ellis and Debbie Dicus just got back from Pennslyvania. Debbie shares, “We delivered Abreeanna Bisenius to Gwyneed Mercy University, in Gwyneed Valley, Pennslyvania. She is going to Play NCAA Volleyball there and go to school to be a teacher. School is outstanding, safe and the teachers we meet were fantastic. Her roommate’s family have adopted her, that made us feel better. We are so proud of her. She has been working on this for over a year and she got her dream.”
Cindy Roller shared the following. She says, “We are calling on all potential vendors. We don’t want you to miss out on this wonderful opportunity to join our first annual Cotton Harvest Festival on the Square in Cooper, Texas on Saturday, Oct. 8. This daylong event will feature a 5K run, Lions Club breakfast, huge carnival, dunking booth, cotton bales on display and a bale auction, lots of other vendors, including a beer tent in the evening, live music all day by 2 Gun Justice, Dewayne Stailey, Dusty Newman and Kadie Lynn and highlighted by Texas Country Artist Josh Ward, who will take the stage at 8 p.m. All concerts will be FREE!” She adds, “To sign up for this amazing event call the Delta County Chamber of Commerce at 903-395-4314 or go our website at: To see more on the event go to:”
Chip and I met Garry and Gena Jordan for a wonderful meal at the Redneck Restaurant in Sulphur Springs last Friday night. We always have a great time visiting with them!
I always need and appreciate input from my friends to help keep me informed of news in our community. If you have any news pertaining to Tira residents, past or present, please contact me, Jan Vaughn, at 903-945-2190 or 903-438-6688 or [email protected].