Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Lights of Life Half Marathon Registration Underway

logoThe 2016-2017 Lights of Life Campaign is hosting the 3nd Annual Half Marathon benefiting the Hopkins County Health Care Foundation.  The official US Track & Field Certified Half Marathon is the only half marathon in Hopkins County, and is scheduled for Saturday, October 1, 2016, 7:30a.m. – 12 noon. The course will be repeated twice and will start and finish on Celebration Plaza.  “Our goal is to encourage out of town visitors to come to Sulphur Springs to enjoy our community and contribute to our hospital” said Meredith Caddell, Foundation Director.

“We encourage all levels of runners and/or walkers to participate.  You do not have to be a marathon runner to participate.  We encourage those who prefer the shorter distance as well!  There are multiple ways to enter.  An individual can enter for $75 to complete the entire 13.1 miles;  a 2-man team registration fee is $80, ($40 a person) each running/walking 6.5 miles; and the 4-man relay team fee is $100, ($25 a person) with each running/walking 3.2 miles each,” stated marathon chair, Jessica Kultgen.  “We want to encourage businesses to enter a team. They can wear their company t-shirts and show their company team spirit” she continued.

This is a race chip timed event and runners have been registering at Field House Sports or online through the website, Each participant will receive a race tech t-shirt, guaranteed if they register by September 9th, along with a finisher medal.  Awards will be offered for best overall individual times in all age categories, plus partner entry awards, and group entry awards.

Carriage House Manor & The Cottages, CHRISTUS Health and GSC, Inc. are our Galaxy Sponsors of the campaign this year.  Access Physicians, Alliance Bank, Fidelity Express, Janet Martin Realty, Wesley House, Mt. Pleasant Running Co. & Snap Fitness have joined in as Endurance sponsors and many others have committed to be Sprint Sponsors of the run.  We’ll have six water/aid stations along the route that not only encourage and cheer for the runners but they will offer energy snacks. Our water/aid stations sponsors include;  24 Hr. Gym, Wesley House Assisted Living, Sulphur Springs Health & Rehab, Thunder Country/The Way Radio Station, CHRISTUS Mother Frances SS Physical Therapy and First United Methodist Church.

“We’re excited because the community is really getting behind the third half marathon.  The city and local law enforcement have done an exceptional job of accommodating the route and ensuring runner’s safety and of course CHRISTUS Mother Frances SS’s EMS team will be on hand in case there are any mishaps.” continued Kultgen.

ALL proceeds from the race will go to the Health Care Foundation to purchase an Anti-Gravity Treadmill that will aid people with lower extremity issues regain mobility and to purchase 2 Giraffe Omni Beds for the NICU so infants born at 32 weeks may stay here in our local hospital instead of being transported to Tyler or the Metroplex.

Registration is still available at Field House Sports or online at Please call the Foundation office, 903-438-4799, for more information.   We hope you, your company, community group or friends will join us as we continue our efforts to make a difference for our hospital and the community.

Author: Staff Reporter

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