Sulphur Springs City Council passed all items on their agenda Tuesday night during their September session. most of the items were first reading of ordinances that focused on the budget. A Food and Food Establishment ordinance was also passed for second reading.
The council did pass the second and final reading of Ordinance 2686, an ordinance providing for the issuance and sale of City of Sulphur Springs Texas Combination Tax and Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation. The bonds will provide $18-million for a rework of the city’s waste water treatment plant. The bond interest rate is 1.218% and including origination fee will be only 1.38%. Payments for 25 years will be $745,000 per year with no interest paid for the first 3-years and only $3.6 million in interest over the life of the bond issue.
Rates for residents will slightly increase—water rate will increase 2.25%, sewer rate 2.25%, and sanitation rate 2%. The tax rate will remain at .44 cents per $100 valuation.
The Food and Food establishments ordinance has been in the works for some time, according to City Manager Maxwell. The new ordinance will replace an ordinance that dates back to 1954. The new ordinance allows suspending or revoking the permit to be open for the establishment. The current establishment issue the city is focused on is not with a downtown dining district restaurant. Investigations using the state inspection work sheet that has been used for several years and the number and kinds of inspections will remain the same under the new ordinance.
The council approved the Economic Development Corporation Budget, awarded a contract for the replacement of the library roof, and approved the submission of a grant application to the Criminal Justice Division for body cameras and storage for the police department.