4-H and FFA Validation dates for Major and NETLA show
Texas is privileged to have the largest junior breeding heifer program in the nation. However, the sheer size of Texas, diversity in counties and beef breed associations has created some challenges for effectively and fairly managing the program. Because of numerous breed divisions offered, there are inconsistencies in how breed associations record purchase and transfer information. Heifer Validation is being initiated to ensure a level playing field for all junior breeding beef heifer exhibitors and to present a unified approach to verifying breeding beef heifer registration papers, ownership and physical possession. Further, history has proven collecting DNA hair samples during validation has added integrity to market animal divisions. Therefore, we are implementing a statewide electronic verification process in addition to requiring the physical validation of breeding beef heifers. An electronic verification process will ensure that ownership has been transferred by the respective ownership deadlines. The verification process along with the added physical validation component will allow for certifying exhibitor ownership, possession, heifer identification (tattoo/brand) far in advance of each respective major livestock show. Full and part-time personnel will be required to effectively review and validate all submitted heifer registration papers and to enforce rules during the participating major livestock shows.
An electronic verification for heifer registration papers would serve four primary purposes:
1) Ensure ownership has been transferred by the respective ownership deadline
2) Eliminate backdating of junior heifer ownership
3) Allow heifer verification chair and co-chair to communicate any disqualifications prior to arrival to shows
4) Allow for a more efficient check-in process
Physical Validation would serve four primary objectives:
1) Ensure ownership and physical possession of heifer in designated county on validation day(s).
2) Physical viewing of tattoos/brands allows for verification tattoos/brands match the registration paper reducing disqualifications at majorlivestock shows.
3) DNA collection provides a robust system to authenticate that the heifer presented at physical validation is the same heifer exhibiting atmajor livestock shows.
4) Allows County Extension Agents and Ag Science Teachers to continue building positive relationships with breeding heifer exhibitors.
It is important to remember that registration paper must be on the exhibitor’s name by the time of validation. Contact the Hopkins County Extension Office by calling 903-885-3443 or your FFA mentor for more details.
Coming UP:
Hopkins County Beekeepers Club: Meeting every third Thursday of the month at the Hopkins County Extension Office at 6:30 PM. Variety of bee related topics directed to bee keepers.
Hopkins County Master Gardeners: Meeting every fourth Thursday of the month at the Hopkins County Extension Office at 10:00 AM. Variety of topics related to gardening, planning of educational events, etc.
Hopkins County Hay Show: October 6, 2016 6:30 AM Professional Ag Workers.
Hopkins County Beef Day: October 7, 2016 4 BQA credits at Civic Center.
Pesticide Private Applicator training: October 12, 2016.
DOPA Fall Conference: October 26, 2016 5 CEU for DOPA
NETLA Validation Dates
Goats and Lambs: October 25, 2016 at the Regional Civic Center Arena 5:00 to 7:00 PM
County Steer and State Heifer and Commercial Heifer: October 18, 2016 at Dairy Health Services 5:30 to 7:30 PM
County Swine: November 28, 2016
Broilers: November 28, 2016

Mario Villarino DVM, Ph.D.
Hopkins County Extension Agent for Ag and NR
1200B Houston Street
Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482