Fall Festival Arts & Crafts Show
Among the many hats I wear, serving as the Hopkins County Fall Festival Arts & Crafts Show coordinator is one of them. This year’s event is shaping up to be a good one! Sixteen craftsmen have already registered, and I look forward to many more. Among the items for sale, you will see hand-crafted cards and gift tags, homemade jams & jellies, glass flowers and bird feeders made from vintage glass, handcrafted jewelry, glitter tattoos, home-baked goods, garden items, Christmas decorations, fall and Halloween decorations, quilted items, pillows, dolls, children’s clothing, place mats and table runners, travel pillows and pillow cases, hand-crafted key chains and chunky necklaces, laser cut suede wraps, crocheted scarves, stuffed animals, decorative gourds, embroidered items, potato bakers, purses, and much more!
Here are the specifics of the Fall Festival Arts & Crafts Show:
1) This event is for hand-made/hand-crafted items only. No commercially-made items will be accepted.
2) The application form is available at http://hopkins.agrilife.org. Click on ‘publications.’ You may also go to www.hopkinscountyfallfestival.com and click on ‘forms’ for the application. Another option is to drop by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office, 1200-B W. Houston (next door to the Southwest Dairy Museum) to pick up a copy, or I can e-mail an application. The deadline to submit an application is October 7. See application for fee.
3) No questionable items may be sold – this is a family-friendly event!
4) You will need to supply your own tables, display equipment, and chairs.
5) Each exhibitor is limited to one double space or two single spaces. Pricing of items is at the exhibitors’ discretion.
6) Electrical outlets are limited. We will do our best to accommodate your need, if indicated on the application. You must provide your own extension cords and tape to secure them to the floor.
7) Most available spaces are located inside the cafeteria. Covered outdoor spaces are also available in a limited quantity. Others may wish to bring a canopy for the uncovered outdoor spaces.
8) The Arts & Crafts Show will be held in the Sulphur Springs High School cafeteria, north entrance walkway, and outdoor grassy area in front of the gym, facing Houston Street.
9) Set up hours are: Friday, October 21, 7:30 to 10:00 a.m. (might be able to get in a little earlier)
10) Arts & Crafts Show is open to public: Friday, October 21, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturday, October 22, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
11) Those wishing to exhibit one day only will be assigned an outdoor space.
12) A confirmation letter, including directions to the facility, unloading, and parking information will be sent to exhibitors upon receipt of the registration form and payment.
If you need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at 903-885-3443. Fall Festival wouldn’t be Fall Festival without this fun event, and I look forward to it every year!
2016 Annual Christmas Joys Program
Calls have already been coming in, and sign-up is now taking place for the 43rd annual Extension “Christmas Joys” Holiday program. The theme this year is “Christmas Blessings,” and I’m so excited to share some great ideas with you! My colleagues, Denita Young (Rains County), Melisa Rhodes (VanZandt County), and Sarah Latham (Hunt County) will also demonstrate some of their great ideas and recipes to jump-start the holiday season. Staff from the Southwest Dairy Museum will also tell about their products and gift crates. The event will take place on Monday, November 7, at the Southwest Dairy Museum, with two sessions being offered to accommodate the crowds – 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Both sessions will offer the same information, so choose the one that works best with your schedule!
You MUST call to reserve a seat. When you call, please give us your name and phone number. We must have a name for every seat reserved. The cost is only $5, which covers a booklet of all the demonstrations, recipes, goody bags, and door prizes. The Southwest Dairy Museum will have a vast array of their tasty cheeses, dip mixes, cider, and other dairy delights.
Seating is limited to 75 per session. A waiting list will be started when the sessions are full. As in past years, if you miss it, I will offer a mini session the following week.
Closing Thought
If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we would grab ours back – Pete O.

Johanna Hicks
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Family & Consumer Sciences
1200-B W. Houston
P.O.Box 518
Sulphur springs, TX 75483
903-885-3443 – phone
903-439-4909 – Fax
[email protected]