As news of Dallas Police Officers killed and wounded in an ambush style shooting that occurred during Thursday night’s protest march in the city, local law enforcement, clergy, and citizens responded to the incident.
Sulphur Springs Police Chief Jay Sanders stated the incident is “…tragic…[and that he is praying for all the families.”
SSPD Detective David Gilmore posted to social media, “… my heart is broken for my fellow officers in Dallas who were murdered and injured last night. I pray to THE God of Peace that he is with the families of those lost and with the officers who are fighting for their lives. I pray the officers who lost their lives are in the company of Jesus Christ and away from harm and the EVIL that is in this world. I also pray for the officers who are charged with investigating this evil and pray that our Lord have his hand in their work. There are no words for the sorrow I feel today or for the disdain I have for those that committed this act of cowardliness.”
Hopkins County Sheriff-elect Lewis Tatum told KSST News that those in leadership in law enforcement are always concerned about the safety of their officers. He said this happening so close to the county brings these concerns close to home. “We are blessed to live in Hopkins County and we hope this does not happen here.” Making sure training is up to date, officers are aware of their surroundings and not to allow the day to day to make one complacent are the primary concerns for his officers. Tatum said Sheriff Butch Adams and he would make available any assistance that may be needed as officers move through their concerns generated by the Dallas incident. He said the county would respond to memorial services as protocol allows. Tatum said the local community has always given support to local law enforcement. “I can’t imagine anything like that happening here but then I couldn’t imagine anything like this happening in Dallas either.”
Morning Chapel Baptist Church Pastor Harold Nash, Jr. told KSST News that he is broken hearted. He stated that he called the local chief of police and county sheriff to express his prayers for local law enforcement and government as well as for Dallas, the state, and the nation. He said that although there are those who would differ in opinion regarding things happening in the nation the need to support law enforcement is a priority.
Citizens locally posted to social media and expressed their support for local law enforcement. Art Romanat, city resident stated, “I’m really sorry about the killing of the Dallas police officers who had their lives taken while trying to protect their citizens. We as citizens of our town are blessed with a great Police Department and a great Sheriff’s Department who protect and do their best to keep us from grief and harm in so many ways. We need to show more appreciation for the job they do going in harm’s way every day and night for all of us. My thanks to all our Officers for their efforts and accomplishments.”

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