During the action item presentations at the SSISD School Board monthly meeting on Monday night, Director of Head Start Hillary Young presented two grant application requests for the board to consider for approval.
The first request was for a partnership grant that would expand the Early Head Start program and allow for EHS to provide childcare. If approved by the school board, EHS would apply for the grant and if accepted the school district would then partner with a childcare facility in Sulphur Springs to provide early education for a younger age group in the community. Grant funding would be provided in 5 year cycles.
Board members were in favor of the option and voted to postpone a decision on the application submission until more information about the grant and expansion opportunity had been shared. The school board then voted to deny the second request for a grant that would expand SSISD Head Start services to other county schools in order to make a better decision on the EHS childcare partnership grant.