Deborah Balkcom, a volunteer with Hearts of Life Animal Rescue, brought Diana, who is up for adoption, to KSST Wednesday. Diana, a blue heeler mix, was found along with her puppies and another adult dog after they were dumped on the streets just before a major ice storm during the previous winter.
“Two of her puppies were actually on the show just two weeks ago, and they are still up for adoption,” Balkcom said. “Diana is a loving dog, and she likes kids and all people. She is not aggressive and very obedient. Anybody who is accustomed to dealing with the cow dog type know that they are super smart dogs, and once they attach themselves to their owner, that’s where they stay.”
Veterinarians have placed Diana’s age at around two years old making her a fairly young dog and a young mother. Diana will be at an adoption event at Petsense, 1602 S. Broadway, unless she is adopted prior to the May 30th and 31st event. Anyone interested in adopting her can call 903-439-5019, the Hearts of Life Animal Rescue Shelter. The adoption fee is $90, which covers all of Diana’s shots, and given that she is already spayed, it would also pay for another dog to be spayed.
At the adoption event May 30th and 31st, “We are going to have some puppies, including Diana’s puppies if they haven’t been adopted by then, along with three other puppies that were berthed by the other adult dog that was involved in the same dumping incident,” Balkcom said. “We will also have some older dogs, which are just wonderful dogs to have. They’re out of that puppy stage, and a little more laid back than the rest. So we will have a variety of older dogs, younger dogs, and puppies. If you don’t see what you like at Petsense, then we’ve got them at the Shelter.”