Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

“Updated” Sulphur Springs Symphony League Auction, November 22nd @ 6pm

The annual KSST Radio and TV Symphony Auction is coming up Saturday, November 22 at 6 p.m. The funds raised support Symphony events such as the Independence Concert on the Square, a children’s concert and an opera at Middle School. There are 17 big board items this year, more than usual. There are 74 items in all including gift certificates. Photos of items are available on the Symphony Facebook page

On that Saturday, listen to KSST Radio 1230, watch Suddenlink Channel 18 or follow on to bid, win and enjoy the fun of the auction. This year’s auction features several new and unusual items and experiences, so be sure and tune in.

Three Chicks promoting the Symphony Auction, Kayla Price (Professional Land and Title), Linda Gallagher (Alliance Bank) and a chick to be named later.


Author: KSST Webmaster

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