Wildcat Marching Band Update

This year Wildcats Marching Band Director Charles McCauley decided to increase band practice two hours a day starting it at 2 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. McCauley said the extra two hours have been used to practice music. He said it’s made a great difference. As a result, McCauley said the band is ahead of schedule, as they get ready for their first performance on Friday night, August 29. He estimated 90% of the band has already memorized the first song, an extra long one. McCauley added the attitude by the students was great and he said they loved the super-heroes theme music.

By Don Julian, KSST News and Sports Director

[pb_vidembed title=”” caption=”” url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPqGSqsjJVI” type=”yt” w=”640″ h=”480″]

By Doug Haston, KSST Videographer

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