UPRA Rodeo Royalty, Hopefuls Make Promotional Visit to KSST, Channel 18

With the “Cinch” United Professional Rodeo Finals in town this weekend, the nine candidates for UPRA titles were making their way around town prior to arena competitions during the rodeo’s three performances. These young ladies range in age from thirteen to eighteen and represent rodeos and cattle companies in Texas and Louisiana. All of them are already seasoned rodeo competitors who aspire to represent the UPRA’s five-state circuit. Both the current Miss UPRA and Miss Teen UPRA are actually from the same community, the Scroggins area of Hopkins County, the first time that has ever occurred in Finals history! Both these girls will have to pass their crowns to new winners during this rodeo.

The finalists are pictured here, left to right;


Amber Simmons of Needville, Tx Miss Teen Jasper Rodeo Queen

Rebeccah McQueen now of Brock, Tx,  reigning Miss Teen UPRA

Josie Neal of Scroggins, Tx,  reigning Miss UPRA Rodeo

Dixie Tabb of Bagota, Tx, Miss Wing Rodeo Company


Bobbi Loran of Scotland, Tx Miss Champion Rodeo Company

Allie McGaha of Childress, Tx, Miss Old Settlers Reunion Association

Savannah Stafford of La Ranger, La, Miss Junior Crossbrand Rodeo Queen

Colleen Crumpton of Dekalb, Rx, Miss Naples Rodeo

Kendall Blake of Sulphur Springs, Mt. Vernon Sheriff’s Posse Rodeo Queen

UPRA Royalty and contestants in the KSST studios in Sulphur Springs




Author: Enola Gay

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