Alliance Bank in Sulphur Springs

Man Lied to Family for Ride to Sulphur Springs Where He Was Arrested for Online Solicitation of a Minor

Lyndon Kyle Sillings, 26Lyndon Kyle Sillings, 26,  of Oak Cliff was arrested by local law enforcement including the Crimes Against Children division and charged with online solicitation of a minor. Sillings had been communicating with someone he thought was under 17 and arranged a meeting in Sulphur Springs. Unable to provide his own transportation, he was transported to Sulphur Springs by his step-mother and step-brother who thought they were bringing him here to meet family they did not know.

The step-mother and step-brother became involved in the arresting procedure but were released when their story was confirmed by a confession by Sillings. The family members returned to Oak Cliff where they would explain the happenings of the day to Sillings’ wife.

Justice of the Peace B. J Teer set bond at $75,000.



Author: Staff Reporter

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