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North Hopkins Alumni Homecoming Set


The North Hopkins Alumni Homecoming will be held on Saturday, October 10, 2015, in the school cafeteria. All former students, former staff members, and their guests are encouraged to attend. The event will begin at 4:30 p.m., with Bingo and registration. At 5:30 a barbecue meal will be served, at a cost of $12.50 per person. Following the meal, there will be a short video presentation, honoring the Classes of 1965, 1975, and 1985.

1965: Angeletta Anderson, Floyd Benefield, Nell Baugh, Larry Brandenburgh, Barry Click, Ronny Glossup, Pasty Harris, Robert (Bobby) Joslin, Mary Martin, Reba Minty, Brenda O’Shield, Loretta Parker, Ronny Smiddy, Edna Smith, Joyce Weir, Stephen Wilburn, Randy Wright.

1975: Peggy Brandenburgh, Stevie Ferrell, Patricia Jetton, Huck McCormack, Charles Ray McQueen, Mary Helen Weir, Jan Vaughn, Roberta Wylie.

1985:Juan Contreras, Lisa Dixon, Jackey Ferrell, Kelly Hailey, Shelia Lawson, Debra McPherson, Mike Orr, Karen Petrea, Ron Smiddy, Mark Speed, Diana Wilburn, Lori Woodard, Brian Wright, Ryan Wright.

The band, Monday Night Jam, featuring some former North Hopkins students, will provide entertainment. We would like to get the word out to as many former students, as possible, especially the students in the honored classes. We realize that a few of the students are deceased and we encourage family members to come in honor of their loved ones. If you have contact information for any alumni, please let them know about the homecoming.

Author: Staff Reporter

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